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3-part Conatus3 Virtual Series Launches!

03/22/2018 11:02 AM | Deleted user

ATD VOS proudly launched a three-part virtual series with Dave Gregory and Lee Pemberton from Conatus3.

What's the difference between the stud and the dud? How can I clone the stud?

They introduce the success path to better understand how to find the right people and how to develop them in the right way so that your organization can ultimately sustain growth and grow profits.

In addition to presenting the research Dave and Lee also gave the participants access the Conatus3 insights profile assessment.

It's not too late to register for all three events --- including this one!

#1 (second offering) on March 28th Identifying the Right Fit Candidate: How Science is Changing the Candidate Selection Process

#2 The Zone of Individual Excellence: The WHAT, WHY & HOW of Human Performance offered on both on April 11th and on April 26th.

#3 Retaining Top Performers: Aligning Purpose to Mission offered both on May 15th and on May 21st.

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